New England Golf Rounds Up 165% in November

In New England, November usually means snow and the end of golf season. 

In some years, golf season is over before November even hits. But, not this year. 

In 2020, New England golf rounds were up 165% in November and 16.9% for the year, according to Golf Datatech. 

Chart courtesy of Golf Datatech

“Typically, it’s a time of year when much of the country is starting to wind down for winter and it can be uncomfortable to be outside to play. This year, however, we had above average weather for playing the game, continuing a lengthy streak of minimal precipitation and warm temperatures,” said Golf Datatech Partner John Krzynowek. 

As GolfNewsRI reported, golf rounds were up 53% in October. 

National Stage 

On a national level, golf rounds were up 57% in the month of November. 

Across the country, play was up in all but two states, Florida and New Mexico. 

According to the National Golf Foundation, since June, the surges in play have yielded almost 70 million incremental rounds compared to a year ago.

For the year, play at public courses is up almost 12% over 2019 while rounds at private clubs have jumped by almost 19%. 

For the year, the net gain is almost 57 million extra rounds over 2019, when 441 million rounds of golf were played at the nation’s more than 16 million golf courses.

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